Colombia Work Visa Service: Full Support for Professionals

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What is it?

This service assists individuals in obtaining a work visa for Colombia. It covers the entire process from gathering required documents to submission and approval, ensuring a smooth and efficient experience for those seeking to work legally in Colombia.

Who needs it?

This service is ideal for professionals, freelancers, and digital nomads who plan to work in Colombia. It is also beneficial for employers looking to sponsor international employees, as well as individuals transitioning from a tourist visa to a work visa.


  1. Initial Consultation: Discuss your specific circumstances and visa requirements.
  2. Document Gathering: Collect all necessary documents as per the visa requirements.
  3. Application Preparation: Fill out all relevant forms accurately.
  4. Submission: Submit the application to the appropriate Colombian consulate or administrative body.
  5. Follow-Up: Regularly check the status of your application and respond to any additional information requests.
  6. Approval and Visa Issuance: Receive your work visa and instructions for entry into Colombia.

Required documents

  • Work Contract: Obtain a formal employment contract from a Colombian employer.
  • Passport: Must be valid for at least six months beyond your intended stay.
  • Photographs: Provide passport-sized photos that meet official guidelines.
  • Academic Qualifications: Copies of degrees or certificates relevant to your work.
  • Proof of Experience: Reference letters or past employment records.
  • Criminal Background Check: Obtain a police report from your home country.
  • Proof of Health Insurance: Ensure you have valid health coverage for your stay in Colombia.

Providers that can do it for you

(We are currently curating the best providers. If you are or know a provider, please contact us or edit the page directly)


Additional details

  • Colombia accepts visa applications both online and at consulates.
  • Visa fees and processing times vary, so it’s important to check the latest information on the official website.
  • For digital nomad visas, ensure you have proof of income and a detailed outline of your work.
  • If converting from a tourist visa, you must present proof of legal entry and stay during your visit.


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