Legalizing Documents for Use in Croatia: A Comprehensive Guide

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What is it?

Document legalization is a process of authenticating or certifying a legal document so it will be recognized by a foreign country’s legal system. It might be required for various legal procedures, including immigration, marriages, establishment of a new business, etc.

Who needs it?

Anyone who plans to use their legal documents in a foreign country, particularly in Croatia in this context, would need to get their documents legalized. This could include prospective immigrants, businesses looking to expand overseas, international students, and so on.


  1. Identify the documents for which you require legalization. These might include birth certificates, marriage certificates, diplomas, etc.
  2. Translate your document(s) if they’re not in the local language i.e., Croatian.
  3. Notarize your translated documents. This can be done in your home country before you arrive in Croatia. Notarizing authenticates signatures and stamps on the document.
  4. Submit notarized documents to the designated authorities for apostille or legalization. In most countries, this will be the Ministry of Foreign Affairs or a similar government body.
  5. Upon completion, the authenticated document(s) can be used in Croatia.

Required Documents

The documents required for legalization will depend on the purpose of the document. Commonly required documents may include:

  • Birth certificate
  • Marriage certificate
  • Educational certificates (transcripts, degree certificates, etc.)
  • Business documents (Registration certificates, Memorandum, Articles of Association, etc.)

Please note you will also require the translated and notarized copies of these documents.

Providers that can do it for you

(We are currently curating the best providers. If you are or know a provider, please contact us or edit the page directly)


Additional details

Croatia has been a member of the Apostille Convention since 1991. Hence, if the country of origin of the document is an Apostille member, the process is simpler. All that is required is an Apostille certification from the issuing country, and no further authentication is needed in Croatia.

If the country isn’t a member of the Apostille Convention, the document must go through a more rigorous process known as Legalization. This involves certification by the foreign ministry of the issuing country and by the Croatian embassy or consulate in that country.


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