How to Declare Your Income Tax: A Comprehensive Guide

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What is it?

Income tax declaration is a process in which individuals submit information about their annual income to the government’s tax department. It is a legal requirement and allows the government to calculate the individual’s tax liability.

Who needs it?

This is essential for all working individuals, freelancers or business owners who have earned income during the assessed year.


  1. Collect all of your income information for the year, including payslips, bank statements, and other forms showing income collected.
  2. Obtain any necessary documentation about deductions. This might include information about student loan payments, dividends received, and costs related to self-employment.
  3. Determine your tax residency status. If you’ve spent a significant amount of time working in another country, you may be subject to different tax requirements.
  4. Use a tax program or work with a tax professional to calculate your total taxable income and tax liability.
  5. Complete the tax declaration form based on the computed taxable income and tax payable. The form includes basic identification information, as well as detailed information about your income and deductions.
  6. Submit your tax declaration form to the tax authority. You can typically do this both in person or online.

Required Documents

  1. Proof of Identity (Passport or National ID)
  2. Income Statement (Bank receipts, payslips, etc.)
  3. Proof of Tax Deductible Expenses (depending on your circumstances)
  4. Proof of Payment of Progressive Tax

Providers that can do it for you

(We are currently curating the best providers. If you are or know a provider, please contact us or edit the page directly)


Additional details

It’s important to note that the deadlines for tax declaration submission usually are in the beginning of the year, typically end of February. The exact date can change each year, so it’s best to check with your local tax office or their official website for the most accurate information.

It might be beneficial for certain individuals such as freelancers to check specific rules and regulations related to their situation. Tax law can be complex and specific to each case, and this guide is a general approach. For more accurate information and advice, it’s always best to consult with a tax professional or a tax authority website.


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