How to Obtain a Croatian Birth Certificate: Step-by-Step Guide

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What is it?

A birth certificate is an official document that states the information about a person’s birth. This document is a key form of identification and is crucial for various legal processes.

Who needs it?

Anyone born in Croatia, or has put in a claim for Croatian citizenship by descent of a relative born in Croatia, needs a Croatian birth certificate. It is needed to authenticate your identification for various administrative and legal procedures.


  1. Visit the Croatian vital statistics office (Matični ured) in the city where the birth was registered.
  2. Request for a Birth Certificate (Rodni List)
  3. Pay the administrative fees
  4. Provide the required documents for verification

Required Documents

Birth certificates in Croatia are issued based on an extract from the Birth Register. To obtain a birth certificate, the following documents are typically required:

  • Your Identification (ID card or passport)
  • Proof of relation or a valid reason for requesting someone else’s birth certificate
  • Payment of the administration fee

These documents should be brought to the local Matični ured to be processed.

Providers that can do it for you

(We are currently curating the best providers. If you are or know a provider, please contact us or edit the page directly)


Additional details

Ensure you have made a note of all the required details about the birth (including the city and hospital) to facilitate the process. Non-Croatian speakers may want to approach a local translator, as all the documentation and proceedings will be in Croatian. The exact cost and timelines may vary based on the volume of applications. Do factor in potential delays. If applying from overseas, it’s recommended to go through a local consultant or legal representative to expedite the process.

Please note that the process and requirements for obtaining a birth certificate can vary by country. The provided information is specific to getting a birth certificate from Croatia. Always check with the pertinent agency or department to be assured of the most accurate, up-to-the-minute information.


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