Applying for a National ID Card in Croatia: Full Guide

Table of Contents


What is it?

The process of applying for a national identification card (osobna iskaznica) in Croatia. This card is a vital document used for various purposes such as identification and travel within the European Union.

Who needs it?

Any citizen of Croatia over the age of 14 is required to have a valid ID card. It is also necessary for any foreign nationals residing in Croatia for longer than 90 days.


  1. Go to the local police station or administrative office in the area you live in.
  2. Submit an application form for an ID card.
  3. Provide the required and validated documents.
  4. Pay the service fees.
  5. The office will take your fingerprints for biometric data.
  6. After the processing period, the ID card will be available for pick-up at the same office.

Required Documents

  • Birth certificate: Original document showing proof of birth.
  • Proof of citizenship: Documents proving Croatian nationality.
  • Proof of residence: Valid documents showing current address in Croatia, utility bill, rent agreement, etc.
  • Photograph: Colour photograph complying with the official guidelines.
  • Old ID Card: If it is a renewal, your old ID card.

Providers that can do it for you

(We are currently curating the best providers. If you are or know a provider, please contact us or edit the page directly)


Additional details

  • It’s mandatory for every Croatian citizen aged over 14 to possess their ID card and carry it at all times.
  • For minors, parents or legal guardians must file the application.
  • For foreigners, ID cards are issued for the duration of their fixed-term residence.
  • Biometric data in Croatian ID cards meets the security standards.
  • The new Croatian ID cards issued from August 2021 have an updated design and additional security features.


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