How to Obtain a Firearms Licence in the Czech Republic

Table of Contents


What is it?

A firearms licence in the Czech Republic is a document that gives the licensee legal rights to own, carry and use firearms.

Who needs it?

Both residents and non-residents of the Czech Republic who aspire to own, carry, or use firearms for sporting, hunting, or self-defense purposes need this license.


  1. Complete a Firearms Training Course: Your first step will be to complete a firearms training course that covers theoretical knowledge, practical training and prepares individuals for the license exams.

  2. Undergo a medical examination: You must undergo a medical examination to ensure you are physically and mentally fit to possess a weapon.

  3. Apply for the License: Submit the application for a firearms license at a local police station, which you find here , in your area of residence. The application process should include providing proof of the completion of the firearms training course and the medical examination.

  4. Take the Theoretical and Practical Exams: You’ll need to successfully pass both the theoretical and practical exams. The theoretical exam covers topics on firearms laws, safe firearms handling, and first aid. The practical exam consists of firearms handling and shooting exercises.

  5. Obtain your license: If all the steps are successfully completed and the police conclude that you meet all the requirements, they will issue you a firearms license.

Required Documents

  • Proof of Identity
  • Proof of medical examination
  • Proof of completion of Firearms Training Course

Providers that can do it for you

(We are currently curating the best providers. If you are or know a provider, please contact us or edit the page directly)


Additional details

Remember that firearms licenses are not automatically granted. The police have the right to reject your application if you fail to meet any of the requirements or if they suspect that you might misuse the firearm. Therefore, it is important to prepare adequately for the exams and prove that you are capable of owning a firearm responsibly.


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