How to Register a Child's Birth in the Czech Republic

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What is it?

Registering the birth of a child in the Czech Republic is a required process that officially documents the child’s birth. The process affirms the child’s identity, citizenship, parents’ names, etc. This certificate is essential in every stage of life, be it for school enrollment, identity proof, or establishing family history.

Who needs it?

This process is applicable for everyone giving birth in the Czech Republic irrespective of their nationality. Parents of newborn babies have the responsibility of ensuring the child’s birth registration.


  1. After the birth of your child in Prague, you are required to announce the birth to the local Registry Office (Matrika).

  2. You must provide a written document confirming the birth from the hospital where the baby was born.

  3. It is also important to present identification documents of both parents.

  4. In case of a foreign parent, a Birth Certificate of the foreign parent(s) may be necessary and, in some cases, marriage certificates of the parents if applicable.

  5. The Registry Office will then issue a Birth Certificate (Rodičovský list).

Required Documents

  • Birth Report/Confirmation from the hospital.
  • Identification documents of parents (Passport or National ID).
  • Certificate of No Impediment" (in case of foreign parents).
  • Birth Certificates of foreign parent(s).
  • Marriage certificate of the parents (if applicable).

Providers that can do it for you

(We are currently curating the best providers. If you are or know a provider, please contact us or edit the page directly)


Additional details

If your Czech language skills are not up to scratch, it might be a good idea to bring an interpreter to the Registry Office. Additionally, in case of the parents being foreigners or non-EU citizens, it is a good idea to consult with the Registry Office in advance about the specific documents required. Different scenarios may require additional paperwork. For citizens who are eligible for German Citizenship by descent, it is crucial to consult the corresponding section in the German Embassy to complete that procedure.


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