Commerce Registry Registration in Ecuador - Fast & Simple

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What is it?

Commerce Registry Registration in Ecuador is a legal requirement for businesses operating in the country. This registration process ensures that the business is recognized by the government and is compliant with all local regulations. Registration provides legitimacy, allows businesses to enter into legal contracts, and helps in building trust with customers and partners.

Who needs it?

This service is ideal for entrepreneurs, small business owners, and foreign investors looking to establish a legal presence in Ecuador. It is especially useful for those who seek to operate in a regulated market, gain access to local financing, and participate in government tenders or contracts. Additionally, it’s critical for businesses aiming to build credibility with suppliers, customers, and partners.


  1. Prepare the necessary documents and information about your business.
  2. Visit the National Chamber of Commerce or access their official website.
  3. Fill out the business registration form with accurate details.
  4. Submit the completed form along with the required documents.
  5. Pay the registration fee as stipulated by the Chamber.
  6. Wait for the verification and approval of your registration.
  7. Once approved, receive your official business registration certificate.

Required documents

  • Business Name and Legal Structure
  • Owner’s Identification (Passport or Ecuadorian Cedula)
  • Articles of Incorporation (for Corporations)
  • Proof of Address (Utility bill or lease agreement)
  • Tax Card (RUC - Registro Único de Contribuyentes)
  • Financial Statements (if applicable)

Providers that can do it for you

(We are currently curating the best providers. If you are or know a provider, please contact us or edit the page directly)


Additional details

  • Registration fees may vary based on the type and size of business.
  • Legal assistance is recommended for foreign investors.
  • Renewal of registration is required annually to stay compliant.
  • Ensure all documents are translated to Spanish if they are in another language.


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