Essential Guide to Ecuador's Fiscal Valuation Certificate Process

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What is it?

A Fiscal Valuation Certificate in Ecuador is an official document issued by governmental authorities that provides a valuation of a property or asset for tax and fiscal purposes. This certificate is essential for verifying the market value of a property, ensuring that tax obligations are accurately assessed and met.

Who needs it?

The Fiscal Valuation Certificate is crucial for property owners, real estate buyers and sellers, investors, and business owners in Ecuador. Anyone involved in property transactions, estate planning, or financial auditing will benefit from having this certificate to legally document and verify the value of their assets.


  1. Submit a formal request at the local tax authority office or online through their official portal.
  2. Provide all required documentation related to the property or asset.
  3. Wait for an official inspector to assess the property value based on the submitted documents and their evaluation.
  4. Receive the valuation certificate via mail or through an online portal, if applicable.
  5. Make any necessary payments or fulfill additional requirements as indicated by the authority.

Required documents

  • Proof of identity (passport, ID card)
  • Property title or deed
  • Recent tax payments or property tax receipts
  • Official valuation request form (available at the tax authority office or website)

Providers that can do it for you

(We are currently curating the best providers. If you are or know a provider, please contact us or edit the page directly)


Additional details

  • Processing times may vary depending on the authority’s workload and complexity of the property.
  • Ensure all documents are up-to-date and accurately reflect the property’s condition and ownership.
  • Visit the local tax authority’s official website for more detailed guidelines and contact information.
  • Be prepared for potential site visits or inspections by official assessors.


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