Complete Guide to Property Registration in Ecuador

Table of Contents


What is it?

Property registration in Ecuador involves legal processes including verifying property ownership, ensuring all taxes and fees are paid, and recording the transfer in municipal and national registries. This guarantees your rights as the owner and prevents future disputes.

Who needs it?

This service is ideal for expatriates, real estate investors, and anyone looking to buy or sell property in Ecuador. Whether you’re setting up a vacation rental or planning to live in Ecuador, proper registration is vital for legal ownership and peace of mind.


  1. Verify the property’s current ownership and legal status.
  2. Obtain a property tax clearance certificate from the municipality.
  3. Get a notary to draft the sale or transfer deed.
  4. Pay any required transfer taxes and fees.
  5. Submit all documents to the Property Registry Office.
  6. Await processing and the issuance of the new property title.

Required documents

  • Property deed: Legal proof of ownership.
  • Identification documents: Passport or cedula for both buyer and seller.
  • Tax clearance certificate: Obtainable from the municipal office where the property is located.
  • Notarized sale contract: Prepared by a notary public.
  • Payment proof of taxes and fees: Receipts from relevant tax authorities.

Providers that can do it for you

(We are currently curating the best providers. If you are or know a provider, please contact us or edit the page directly)


Additional details

  • Ensure all transactions are certified by a notary public to avoid disputes.
  • Expected time for registration may vary depending on the municipality.
  • Consider hiring a local lawyer to navigate legal complexities.
  • Be aware of municipal and national property taxes for accurate calculation of total costs.
  • It’s advisable to get a property inspection to assess any potential liabilities.


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