Ecuador University Degree Revalidation for Foreign Graduates

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What is it?

The Ecuador University Degree Revalidation service helps individuals validate their foreign university degrees so they can be recognized and utilized within Ecuador. This process ensures that degrees obtained abroad are equivalent to Ecuadorian standards, allowing individuals to pursue professional and academic opportunities without limitations.

Who needs it?

This service is ideal for expatriates, emigrants, and international graduates who hold foreign university degrees and wish to work or continue their education in Ecuador. It is particularly beneficial for professionals such as lawyers, engineers, and healthcare workers who require official recognition of their qualifications to practice in Ecuador.


  1. Gather all necessary documents including original degree, transcripts, and official translations.
  2. Submit an application to the National Secretary of Higher Education, Science, Technology and Innovation (SENESCYT) in Ecuador.
  3. Await review and possible requests for additional information or documents from SENESCYT.
  4. Attend any required interviews or evaluations as scheduled by SENESCYT.
  5. Receive revalidation notification upon successful evaluation of your application.
  6. Collect your revalidated degree certificate from SENESCYT.

Required documents

  • Original University Degree - issued by the foreign educational institution.
  • Official Transcripts - detailed records of academic coursework and grades.
  • Certified Translations - translations of all documents into Spanish, done by an officially recognized translator.
  • Proof of Identity - valid passport or national ID.
  • Application Form - completed and signed form provided by SENESCYT.
  • Recognition of Higher Education Institution - a document proving the degree-granting institution is recognized in its home country.

Providers that can do it for you

(We are currently curating the best providers. If you are or know a provider, please contact us or edit the page directly)


Additional details

  • SENESCYT may require additional documents depending on the specific degree and country of origin.
  • Processing times can vary, so it is advisable to start the process well in advance of potential employment or academic deadlines.
  • Revalidation fees apply and can vary; check the SENESCYT website for the latest fee structure.
  • Degrees in regulated professions such as healthcare and law may require extra steps, such as sitting for professional exams or obtaining additional local licenses.
  • For further details, visit: SENESCYT Website


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