Guide to Obtaining a Business Travel Permit: Requirements and Steps

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What is it?

A business travel permit is a document that allows for legal travel abroad for business-related activities. Unique to each country, it is often required by workers who need extended stays in foreign countries for professional purposes.

Who needs it?

People who may need a business travel permit are those whose work necessitates frequent or long-term travel, such as multinational company employees, freelancers, digital nomads, contractors, and business owners.


  1. Understand the requirements of the country you are planning to travel to. These requirements can be obtained from the appropriate immigration or consular services, such as the French Consulate if travelling to France.
  2. Prepare all necessary documents (see ‘Required Documents’ section).
  3. Complete the necessary form which can be found on the Embassy or Consulate’s website.
  4. Make an appointment for an interview, if required. This will depend on the Embassy or Consulate’s process.
  5. Attend the interview with all your documents. Ensure that all information provided is accurate and Complete.
  6. Upon a successful interview, pay the application fee. It will depend on the Embassy or Consulate’s rates.
  7. Wait for your business travel permit to be processed. It may take several weeks or even months, depending on the embassy.

Required Documents

  • Valid Passport
  • Passport-sized Photos
  • Travel Insurance proof
  • Proof of Accommodation
  • Return Flight tickets
  • Documents showing employment or business ownership
  • Proof of sufficient funds to cover trip expenses
  • Business invitation letter (if invited from outside), stating the purpose of the visit
  • Completed application form

Providers which can do it for you

(We are currently curating the best providers. If you are or know a provider, please contact us or edit the page directly)


Additional details

The processing timeline for business travel permits varies from one country to another, and sometimes even within different embassies of the same country. It is best to apply well ahead of your planned travel date. The permit does not guarantee entry into the country, as the final decision rests with immigration officials at your point of entry. Always ensure to abide by all the laws, regulations, and cultural sensitivities of your host country.


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