Easy Renewal of Your Driver's License in France Online

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What is it?

Renewal of a driver’s license is the process of renewing your existing driving license after its expiry date. This procedure helps to keep your driving license up to date and ensures you’re legally allowed to drive, avoiding any penalties.

Who needs it?

This service is needed by anyone with an expired driver’s license or a license nearing its expiry date. It is also necessary for non-French citizens residing in France and wishing to continue driving.


  1. Visit the Official website of the French Public Service ANTS
  2. Log in to your account or create one if you do not have it.
  3. Navigate to the driver’s license section.
  4. Follow the instructions provided to submit an application for driver’s license renewal.
  5. You will be required to upload some documents (please see the Required Documents section).
  6. Pay the renewal fee online using a credit/debit card.
  7. Submit the application.
  8. On approval, you will receive a temporary license before receiving the permanent one.

Required Documents

  • Your current driver’s license.
  • Proof of residence (varies for foreign residents in France).
  • A recent photograph that meets official conditions.
  • Any other document as requested on the ANTS portal.

Providers that can do it for you

(We are currently curating the best providers. If you are or know a provider, please contact us or edit the page directly)


Additional details

  • The processing time varies depending on your situation and the time of your application.
  • Some regions may have a high number of applications, which could delay the process.
  • Make sure that all the details in your application are correct to avoid any problems and unduly delays.
  • Keep in mind that it is illegal to drive without a valid driver’s license.


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