Family Reunification in France: Complete Process and Requirements

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What is it?

Family reunification is a process that enables certain foreign family members residing outside the EU to immigrate to France to stay with their family already living there.

Who needs it?

This process is ideal for non-EU residents who have family members living in France, such as a spouse or minor children.


  1. The family member residing in France must prove they have been legally residing in France for at least 18 months.
  2. Apply for family reunification at the French Office of Immigration and Integration (OFII). More information can be found on their official website .
  3. The French resident must also show proof of suitable accommodation and sufficient, stable resources to support family members.
  4. The application will then be reviewed by OFII and various French authorities.
  5. If the application is accepted, the family member abroad will need to apply for a long-stay visa at the French Consulate in their country of residence. More information on this application can be found on the France Visas website .
  6. Upon arrival in France, the family member will then have to undergo a medical examination and complete a mandatory civic integration training.

Required Documents

  • Proof of French residency: such as a French residence permit or long-stay visa.
  • Proof of relationship: marriage certificate for spouse, birth certificate for children.
  • Proof of accommodation: a recent rental receipt, property tax notice, or certificate of accommodation.
  • Proof of resources: last three payslips, tax notice, or proof of benefits.

Providers that can do it for you

(We are currently curating the best providers. If you are or know a provider, please contact us or edit the page directly)


Additional details

Please note that the application process can be long and complicated. Ensure you check the processing times and costs on the relevant websites and have all documentation ready before starting your application.


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