Complete Guide to Naturalization in France: Steps and Requirements

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What is it?

Naturalization is the legal process through which a non-citizen of a country may acquire citizenship or nationality of that country. In the context of this guide, we will be focusing on the Naturalization process in France.

Who needs it?

This might be required by foreigners who have been living in France for some time and comply with specific criteria that make them eligible for naturalization.


  1. The first step in the French naturalization process is to determine if you are eligible. The general rules are that you need to have been living and working in France for five years, though this can be reduced in certain circumstances.

  2. Download and fill out the naturalization application form (dossier de naturalisation). The form can be downloaded from here .

  3. Collect the necessary documents to support your application. Check below for the list of required documents.

  4. Submit your application at your local prefecture or sub-prefecture.

Required Documents

  • Proof of Identity
  • Proof of address
  • Residency permit, showing that you have lived in France for at least five years
  • Proof of fiscal domicile for the last three years
  • Document stating you have a sufficient knowledge of the French language
  • Birth certificate translated into French

Do note that some documents might need to be legalized or apostilled. Also, some documents may not be older than three months (like the proof of address).

Providers that can do it for you

(We are currently curating the best providers. If you are or know a provider, please contact us or edit the page directly)


Additional details

Please keep in mind that once the application is submitted, the process can take upto a year. Applicants will also have to pass an interview about their knowledge of France, its culture and society. French Nationality is granted at the discretion of the government even if all the conditions are met.


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