How to Register to Vote in France: A Comprehensive Guide

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What is it?

Voter registration in France is a process that enables eligible citizens to participate in the country’s electoral proceedings. The registration secures you a place in the electoral list.

Who needs it?

Every French citizen who is at least 18 years old on the day of the election and has not been deprived of civic rights.


  1. Apply for registration before December 31 of the year before the election. If you are becoming 18 years old the next year, or if you move, you can register during the year of the election before the second Friday preceding the first round of the election.
  2. To register, you can either go to your city hall in person with all required documents, or you can do it online on which is the official website of French Administration.

Required Documents

  • A valid ID (Identity card, passport).
  • A proof of address (e.g. utility bill, lease agreement). If you live with another person, that person can certify you live with them.
  • If you are becoming 18 the next year, no action is needed unless you haven’t been automatically added to the electoral lists.

Providers that can do it for you

(We are currently curating the best providers. If you are or know a provider, please contact us or edit the page directly)


Additional details

Remember to take a valid piece of ID with you for voting. Also, note that European non-French residents can vote for the European elections and municipal elections if they’re registered on the electoral lists. They need to show a valid residence permit.


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