Steps for Non-EU Citizens to Get a Work Permit in France

Table of Contents


What is it?

A work permit application is a legal request submitted to the French government entitlement to work in France as a foreigner.

Who is it for?

This guide is essential for any non-EU individual who has secured a job in France and needs to formally apply for the right to work within the country.


  1. Secure a job contract from a French employer.
  2. The employer should initiate a work permit application on behalf of the employee through the French Ministry of Labour.
  3. Once approval is obtained, the permit application is sent to the local labour authorities (DIRECCTE) in France.
  4. DIRECCTE then sends the approved work permit to the Office français de l’immigration et de l’intégration (OFII) and a copy is also sent to the local French Consulate.
  5. The employee then applies for a long-stay visa (Visa de long séjour valant titre de séjour - VLS-TS) at the French Consulate in their home country.
  6. After reaching France, within three months of arrival, the employee must send the OFII form, received upon the visa’s validation, along with the necessary copies of the passport pages to the OFII’s address in the department of residence.

Required Documents

  • Job contract from French employer
  • Passport
  • Photos for visa
  • Completed OFII form
  • Health check and accommodation proof (on reaching France)

Providers that can do it for you

(We are currently curating the best providers. If you are or know a provider, please contact us or edit the page directly)


Additional details

Processing times vary, so it’s advisable to plan and start the procedure well in advance of your intended start date. Additionally, having at least a basic understanding of French would greatly aid your transition.


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