Navigating Building Permits in Germany: Essential Steps & Documents

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What is it?

A building permit (Baugenehmigung) is an official approval needed in Germany to construct or even change existing buildings. It’s essential to ensure that the project adheres to zoning laws, local ordinances, building codes, and similar regulations.

Who Needs It?

This permit is necessary for individuals, businesses or entities planning to build new property or modify existing property within German’s jurisdiction.


  1. Develop a well-defined plan for your construction project with the help of an architect or professional planner.
  2. Visit the local Bauamt (building authority) for a preliminary discussion. They can provide important information about the specific requirements and guidelines of your local area, and whether your project fits within these parameters.
  3. Submit all necessary documents including architectural plans, static calculations, plot plan, building description, heat insulation certificate and others to the Bauamt for processing.
  4. Pay the application and processing fees at the Bauamt. The cost varies depending on your local area, size, and complexity of your project.
  5. Wait for the processing of your application, which can take several weeks, or in some cases, months.
  6. Once approved, you can start construction based on the approved plan. Any substantial modifications to the plan require the Bauamt’s approval.

Required Documents

  • Construction drawings
  • Technical construction documents
  • Static calculations
  • Building ground survey
  • Energy performance certificate (EnEV)
  • Plot plan

These documents should be prepared with professional aid to avoid any errors or misinterpretations.

Providers that can do it for you

(We are currently curating the best providers. If you are or know a provider, please contact us or edit the page directly)


Additional details

Ensure all documentations are completed correctly. Check with your local authority to make sure you have all the right documents and permits. Any mistakes could result in fines, delays, or even demolition of any unauthorized construction. It’s always advisable to hire professionals to avoid any complications and to ensure smooth processing.


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