Housing Allowance: Apply for Wohngeld in Germany Easily

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What is it?

Housing Allowance is a financial support scheme by governments, designed to assist eligible individuals or households who may struggle with their rent or housing costs. This support can come in the form of Wohngeld in Germany.

Who needs it?

Ideal recipients are individuals or families on low income, unemployed people, students, or self-employed individuals living in Germany, who may struggle to meet their housing costs.


  1. To apply for Wohngeld in Germany, visit the local Housing Office (Wohngeldstelle) in your City Hall (Rathaus). Obtain the relevant application form for housing benefit.

  2. Complete the required documentation and form truthfully.

  3. Submit the completed form and documentation to the relevant office or via the online portal in the case of Huurtoeslag.

Required Documents

  1. Proof of Income (e.g., salary slips, unemployment benefits)
  2. Valid ID or Passport
  3. Rental Contract
  4. Registration Confirmation (Anmeldung)

Note: Check local requirements as specific requirements may vary.

Providers that can do it for you

(We are currently curating the best providers. If you are or know a provider, please contact us or edit the page directly)


Additional details

  • The amount of housing allowance you receive may vary and is dependent on your income, rent, and household size.
  • It’s essential to keep your information updated. Any changes in your income or household can affect your eligibility or the amount of assistance you receive.
  • Remember, the provision of inaccurate information could lead to penalties or having to pay back housing allowance credits.
  • When in doubt about your eligibility, it’s always a good idea to enquire with the appropriate government office.


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