Guide to Parental Allowance in Germany: Eligibility & Application

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What is it?

The parental allowance is a state subsidy in Germany provided to parents after the birth of a child, enabling them to take time off from work and care for the child. The allowance can be claimed for up to 14 months.

Who needs it?

Any parent who is currently residing in Germany and has a newborn or adopted child. Both parents can split the entitlement.


  1. Obtain the application form from your local Elterngeldstelle (Parental Allowance Office).
  2. Fill out the application form and attach the necessary supporting documentation.
  3. Submit the form and supporting documents to the Parental Allowance Office either by mail or in person. Some offices may offer the ability to submit the application online.
  4. The allowance should be paid to your account once the application is processed and approved.

Required Documents

  • Completed application form
  • Birth certificate of the child
  • Proof of income (such as wage slips) for the last 12 months before the child’s birth
  • Certificate of maternity allowance and employer’s statement
  • If applicable, decision notices on unemployment benefit
  • Proof of health and pension insurance in the 12 months before the birth
  • Passport or an identity card
  • Residence permit (if applicable)

Providers that can do it for you

(We are currently curating the best providers. If you are or know a provider, please contact us or edit the page directly)


Additional details

  • The amount of parental allowance you receive depends on your income before the birth of your child. It ranges from €300 to €1,800 per month.
  • The allowance can be split among parents and may be received simultaneously or individually. Parents who simultaneously receive the allowance reduce their individual eligibility period but can receive a higher total amount.
  • Parents can work up to 30 hours a week and still be eligible for the allowance.
  • The parental allowance is tax-free, however, it is subject to a “progression clause”. This means that while the allowance itself is not taxed, it can increase the tax rate on your other income.
  • It’s important to note that receiving parental allowance might have an impact on other family benefits you receive, like Kindergeld (Child Benefit).


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