Complete Guide to Business Deregistration in Germany

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What is it?

Business deregistration is a legal process of announcing the termination and shutdown of a company to relevant authorities in Germany, referred to as “Gewerbeabmeldung”.

Who needs it?

Any business owner who ceases conducting business or freelancing activities in Germany will need to go through the deregistration process.


  1. First, you’ll need to download the “Gewerbeabmeldung” form from your local city’s website. The form is generally filled out and submitted at the local Ordnungsamt. Here’s a link to a sample form.

  2. On the second page of the form, fill out your personal details, including your name, profession, nationality, and address.

  3. On pages 3 and 4, provide details about your business. This includes the nature of your business, the location, and number of employees.

  4. Sign the form, indicating that all the information given is correct.

  5. Send the completed form via regular mail or turn it in to the Ordnungsamt office in your city.

  6. After sending the form, wait a few weeks. They will send a confirmation that your business is now deregistered.

Required Documents

  • The filled out Gewerbeabmeldung form
  • A copy of your identification or passport
  • Evidence of cessation of commercial activity

Providers that can do it for you

(We are currently curating the best providers. If you are or know a provider, please contact us or edit the page directly)


Additional details

  • There is no cost to deregister your business in Germany.
  • If you plan to leave Germany and wish to deregister your residence along with your business, you should visit your local Bürgeramt as well.
  • If you are a freelancer and you deregister your business, you may lose your business medical insurance. It’s crucial to ensure you have other health insurance.
  • Keep the confirmation of deregistration. You may need it in the future for legal or tax purposes.


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