Guide to Changing Business Registration in Germany

Table of Contents


What is it?

Change of business registration involves the process of updating your business details with the German local trade office, Gewerbeamt. This is typically required when making changes to your business such as moving locations or changing the type of business.

Who needs it?

Any business operating in Germany that undergoes a major change like relocation, changing primary business activities or a change in the business structure.


  1. Determine any changes in your business that require a change in registration. These can range from a change in primary business activities, a change of address, or a shift from being a sole proprietor to a partnership.

  2. Prepare all necessary documents as detailed below.

  3. Submit the “Gewerbe Ummeldung” form to your local Gewerbeamt which is essentially notifying the local trade office of your business changes. This can usually be accomplished either in person or online.

  4. Await the confirmation of your registration change. The timeline can vary depending on the local office, but it typically takes no longer than a few weeks.

Required Documents

  • Your valid ID or passport
  • Confirmation of company’s registered legal address
  • Registration document or ‘Gewerbeanschreibung’ if you had originally registered your business (Einzelunternehmen or sole proprietorship)
  • An updated business plan if your business activities have changed

(Please note, the specific documents required may vary, so check with your local Gewerbeamt)

Providers that can do it for you

(We are currently curating the best providers. If you are or know a provider, please contact us or edit the page directly)


Additional details

If your business is an online business or e-commerce, the steps would largely be the same. Make sure to check if there are additional or different specifications for your business type with your local Gewerbeamt.

For those applying for a Gewerbeanmeldung with a Blue Card, you may also need to apply for a freelance visa. Also remember, running ads may have different legal requirements depending on where your business is registered.

Remember to update your business address with the professional patent law bar if you are registered as well.


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