Guide to Marriage Registration in Germany: Steps and Documents

Table of Contents


What is it?

Marriage registration in Germany is a process whereby two individuals intending to get married officially register their intent at the local registry office (Standesamt). This ensures the legality of their union in accordance with German laws.

Who needs it?

Individuals intending to get married in Germany, whether they are citizens, residents or foreigners, need to register their marriage.


  1. Contact your local Standesamt (Registry office). You will need to make an appointment for a marriage notification (Anmeldung zur Eheschließung).
  2. Attend the appointment at the Standesamt with your partner. During the appointment, the Standesamt will check your documentation.
  3. Choose a date for the wedding. Once the Standesamt has checked your documentation, they will offer you possible dates for the wedding ceremony.
  4. Get married. The Standesamt official will conduct the wedding ceremony.

Required Documents

The exact documentation may vary by location and personal situation, but typically the following documents may be required:

  • Valid passport
  • Birth certificate
  • Confirmation of eligibility to marry (Ledigkeitsbescheinigung)
  • Residence permit (if you’re a foreigner living in Germany)
  • Divorce decree (if previously married)

Each document must be translated into German by a certified translator.

Providers that can do it for you

(We are currently curating the best providers. If you are or know a provider, please contact us or edit the page directly)


Additional details

The process can take several weeks due to the bureaucratic nature of the process, so plan accordingly. Some Standesamt may also require couples to participate in pre-marriage counseling sessions. It is advisable to contact your local Standesamt for the most accurate information regarding your specific situation. In the event that one of the partners cannot be physically present for the registration, a power of attorney may be necessary.


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