Inheritance Acceptance in Greece: A Complete Legal Guide

Table of Contents


What is it?

The Application for Inheritance Acceptance is a legal process necessary for claiming an inheritance. This guide is specifically focused on the process in Greece and is useful for those inheriting property, such as houses, but can be relevant for other types of inheritances as well.

Who needs it?

Individuals who have been named as heirs to an estate in Greece and wish to claim what has been bequeathed to them.


  1. Hire a Greek lawyer: This is not required by law, but due to the complicated nature of Greek inheritance law and the language barrier, it’s beneficial. You can find a reputable Greek lawyer through the Greek Embassy .

  2. Obtain an E9 tax form: This declares the inherited property to the Greek tax authorities. Can be filed by you or your lawyer.

  3. Publication of inheritance acceptance deed: This is done through a Notary Public in Greece. The acceptance deed contains the acceptance clause of the heir and information about the deceased and their estate.

  4. Register the inheritance acceptance deed: The original inheritance acceptance deed must be registered at the Land Registry where the property is located. It can take several months to complete.

Required Documents

  • Death certificate of the deceased
  • Testament (if available)
  • Certificate of the closest relatives issued by the Municipality where the deceased was registered
  • Statement by two witnesses confirming the family relationship

Providers that can do it for you

(We are currently curating the best providers. If you are or know a provider, please contact us or edit the page directly)


Additional details

  • Potential inheritors should be aware that they also inherit any debts the deceased may have had. If the debt exceeds the value of the estate, you can reject the inheritance.
  • If you are a non-resident and hire a Greek lawyer, you may not need to travel to Greece as a Power of Attorney can allow your lawyer to complete the procedure for you.
  • The name on the deed must match the name on the passport, so any name changes must be corrected on either document before proceeding.
  • It’s important to validate any possible outstanding property taxes on the property before proceeding with the inheritance.


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