Guide to Registering in the Greek Tax Office for an AFM

Table of Contents


What is it?

This guide outlines the process of registration in the Greek Tax Office. This procedure is critical for individuals who need a tax number (AFM) which is essential in most financial transactions, such as renting property, working, or setting up a business in Greece.

Who needs it?

The guide is intended for both individuals, Greek or foreign, and business entities who are seeking to engage in financial transactions within Greece.


  1. Visit the Greek Tax Office’s website or any local Tax Office in Greece.
  2. Prepare necessary documents (see below).
  3. Submit the required documents at the Tax Office.
  4. The Tax Office will process your documents. If all documents are complete and correctly filled, you’ll be issued a tax number (AFM).

Required Documents

  • Passports or other identification documents, for both any dependents and yourself.
  • Proof of residence (this can be a registered lease or a utility bill that is in your name).
  • For a business, additional documents like articles of incorporation may be needed.

Providers that can do it for you

(We are currently curating the best providers. If you are or know a provider, please contact us or edit the page directly)


Additional details

This tax number (AFM) is a compulsory requirement and is used in all interactions with any Greek authority and is necessary for almost all transactions of economic significance, like opening a bank account, setting up utility contracts, getting paid for work, and more. The Tax Office will check the validity of the documents and may potentially ask for further evidences or certificated translations of foreign documents, so it is essential that all provided documents are accurate to avoid any delays in the process.


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