How to Transfer Between Educational Institutions in Greece

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What is it?

The process of transferring from one educational institution to another within Greece or from another country to Greece, often involving evaluation of academic records, visa procedures, and meeting the requirements of the targeted institution.

Who needs it?

This guide is useful for domestic as well as international students looking to move from their current educational institution to a different one within Greece.


  1. Reach out to your current institution’s student affairs or academic affairs office and inquire about the student transfer process.
  2. Once you’ve been briefed about the procedures and requirements, start gathering the documents needed for transfer.
  3. If you’re changing majors or degrees, make sure you meet the prerequisites for the new program.
  4. Fill out student transfer application forms provided by your new institution. Some institutions might have an online process, while others may require paper submission.
  5. Submit the completed application forms along with the necessary documents to the new institution’s registrar’s office or the body responsible for admissions.
  6. Await a response regarding the status of your application. This could possibly consist of interviews or additional requirements.

Required Documents

  1. Transcripts: Full academic records from your current and/or previous institutions.
  2. Letter of recommendation: Usually from professors who can vouch for your performance.
  3. Statement of Purpose: Explaining your reasons for the intended transfer.
  4. Proof of Language Proficiency: (For non-native speakers.) Proving proficiency in the medium of language used mostly in the institute, either Greek or English.
  5. Visa and Passport: (For international students.)

Providers that can do it for you

(We are currently curating the best providers. If you are or know a provider, please contact us or edit the page directly)


Additional details

  • Credit transfer is subject to the syllabus and policy of the new institution. It’s important to check this beforehand to ensure your hard-earned credits will not be lost.
  • Try to start the process early as it may take time owing to university deadlines and processing time.
  • For international transfers, the visa procedure and possible recognition of your present academic record might be additional considerations.


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