How to Obtain a Tax Identification Number (TIN) in Greece

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What is it?

A Tax Identification Number (TIN) is a unique number used by tax authorities to identify taxpayers. It is essential for managing your tax matters and other official services in Greece.

Who needs it?

Any individual or entity planning to do business or any activity that requires tax obligations in Greece must obtain a TIN.


  1. Gather the necessary documentation (outlined below).
  2. Discover the nearest Public Fiscal Service office and visit personally. The public fiscal service office in Greece is known as AADE (Independent Authority for Public Revenue).
  3. Submit the required documents and form to the officer.
  4. The officer will process your details, and you’ll typically receive your TIN immediately without any charge.

Required Documents

  • Application form for the registration to the Tax Register
  • Documentation of your identity (passport or identification card)
  • In case a legal representative applies on your behalf, a proxy is required

Providers that can do it for you

(We are currently curating the best providers. If you are or know a provider, please contact us or edit the page directly)


Additional details

  • Always protect your TIN and don’t share it unless necessary (for example, when requested by a legitimate financial institution or tax authorities).
  • Some online transaction platforms may require your TIN. Make sure to confirm the true identity of the organization before providing this sensitive information.

Please note: This information is subject to change and it’s always recommended to check the latest procedures and requirements with the local fiscal service office or a trusted tax consultant.


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