Guide to Applying for a Driver's License in Hungary

Table of Contents


What is it?

Applying for a driver’s license in Hungary is a process that involves initial medical check-ups, theoretical classes, practical driving classes, and finally, theoretical and practical exams. After passing both exams, you will receive your driver’s license.

Who needs it?

Any individuals who wish to legally operate motor vehicles in Hungary and are at least 17 years of age (with conditions for underage driving) or 18 years of age (for unrestricted driving).


  1. Start by heading to a doctor for a simple medical check-up.
  2. Apply for a theoretical course at an authorized driving school.
  3. After completion of the theoretical course, sit for the theoretical exam which mainly consists of road signs and general rules of driving.
  4. Having passed the theoretical exam, you can commence the practical driving classes.
  5. While taking the practical classes, you need to apply for a practical exam.
  6. Once passed, you will receive a temporary driving license, and eventually, your official Hungarian driver’s license will arrive.

Required Documents

  • Identification Document (ID or Passport)
  • Medical Certificate (obtained from the initial medical check-up)
  • Theoretical Certificate (from the driving school after passing the theoretical exam)

Providers that can do it for you

(We are currently curating the best providers. If you are or know a provider, please contact us or edit the page directly)


Additional details

Before an underage driver (age 17) can legally drive in Hungary, a responsible adult must also be inside the vehicle at all times. The legal age for unrestricted driving is 18. You will need to sign a contract with your driving school which essentially states that you will take responsibility for any damage you do to the cars during lessons.


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