Comprehensive Guide to Health Insurance in Hungary

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What is it?

Procuring health insurance as an individual in Hungary involves navigating a number of options, both government-sponsored and private. Health insurance is vital to cover medical expenses and ensure access to good quality health care.

Who needs it?

Anyone living in Hungary, particularly those not covered under the country’s national health insurance system. This could be because they’re self-employed, are in the country for short periods, or do not qualify for state insurance for other reasons.


  1. Research thoroughly on available options. The Hungarian healthcare system has a national insurance program and numerous private insurers. Assess your needs to decide which works best for you.
  2. If opting for private insurance, compare different coverage plans, cost, and terms of various providers.
  3. Once decided, you can typically apply online or directly at the insurance company’s office.
  4. Provide all necessary documents, fill out an application form, and pay the necessary fees.
  5. Upon approval, ensure to continually pay your premiums to keep the insurance active.

Required Documents

The exact documents you require may vary, but usually include:

  • Proof of identity (ID, passport, or residence permit)
  • Proof of address
  • Social Security number or Tax ID
  • Proof of income or financial stability
  • Health Declaration or Medical Examination results (some insurers)

Providers that can do it for you

(We are currently curating the best providers. If you are or know a provider, please contact us or edit the page directly)


Additional details

  • Quotes for private health insurance premiums can often be obtained online.
  • The costs and level of coverage of private health insurance can vary widely. It’s crucial to read and understand the terms before signing the contract.
  • Some providers may provide the option of including coverage for treatments abroad.
  • It’s advisable to secure health insurance as soon as possible when planning to stay in Hungary. Emergencies may strike at any time, and not having coverage may result in high medical bills.


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