How to Apply for a Hungarian Passport: Step-by-Step Guide

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What is it?

A Hungarian passport is an official document for international travel, proving identification and citizenship. It allows the holder to travel worldwide and serves as proof of Hungarian citizenship.

Who needs it?

Every Hungarian citizen, including dual-citizenship holders, intending to travel abroad needs a valid passport. Furthermore, individuals applying for Hungarian citizenship by descent also require this.


Follow the steps outlined below to apply for a Hungarian passport:

  1. Determine your eligibility: If you are of Hungarian descent, you may be eligible for citizenship under the Simplified Naturalization process even if you live abroad. Gather your genealogical documents and lineage evidence.

  2. Pay a visit to your local Hungarian embassy or consulate: You need to apply for Hungarian citizenship at your local Hungarian embassy or consulate in person. You can find the addresses of such institutions on the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade’s website.

  3. Submission of application and required documents: Present your completed application along with all necessary documents.

  4. Attend an interview: The authorities will arrange an interview to determine your eligibility.

  5. Oath-taking: Once your citizenship is approved, you will need to take an oath of allegiance to Hungary.

  6. Application for passport: After taking the oath, you can apply for a Hungarian passport.

Required Documents

The documents required to apply for Hungarian citizenship and passport may include:

  1. Completed application form
  2. Birth certificate
  3. Marriage certificate (if applicable)
  4. Proof of Hungarian lineage (i.e., birth, marriage, and death certificates of Hungarian ancestors)
  5. Current passport
  6. Proof of address

Always check with your local Hungarian embassy or consulate for the most updated requirements and regulations.

Providers that can do it for you

(We are currently curating the best providers. If you are or know a provider, please contact us or edit the page directly)


Additional details

Any changes in your personal data such as unwanted name changes should be reported to and modified at the issuing office.


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