Guide to Requesting a Marriage Certificate in Hungary

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What is it?

The process of requesting a marriage certificate in Hungary involves retrieving records from official repositories, which contain details about the marriage of individual(s).

Who needs it?

This service is necessary for those who need to validate marital status for legal proceedings, heritage, genealogy research or citizenship application by descent in Hungary.


  1. Identify the correct church or entity where the marriage was likely registered pre-1895 as Hungarian civil registration of births, marriages, and deaths started in October 1895.
  2. Learning Hungarian to read the documents or hiring a translator might be needed as most of these documents are written in Hungarian.
  3. Contact the church directly as they likely hold the records or can guide you to the correct repository.
  4. Apply to church or relevant authority for the marriage certificate by presenting the necessary details such as full names of individuals involved, date of marriage, place.
  5. Be prepared to pay a fee for the search and issuing of the certificate. The cost usually varies.

Required Documents

  • Full names of the couple.
  • Dates or approximations needed: birth, marriage, death.
  • Parishes or addresses of relevance.
  • Proof of relationship might be required in some cases.

Providers that can do it for you

(We are currently curating the best providers. If you are or know a provider, please contact us or edit the page directly)


Additional details

  • Note the certificate might be in Hungarian language.
  • Request for translation if the service is available, else consider hiring a translator.
  • Also keep in mind, the state of the records can vary: they can be hard to read, very detailed or minimalistic.
  • Be patient, the process may take time depending on the availability and state of records.


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