Essential Guide to Residence Registration in Hungary

Table of Contents


What is it?

Residence registration refers to the process of officially declaring your place of residence to the local government. It is a legal requirement in many countries, including Hungary, for both nationals and foreign nationals residing in the country.

Who needs it?

This is typically required for anyone moving to a new city or country, starting a job, or renting a home. In Hungary, it’s essential for everyone living in the country, whether you are a citizen, an EU citizen, or a non-EU citizen.


  1. Start by obtaining all required documents, including a rental contract or proof of ownership of your residence.
  2. Submit an application for registering your residence. On this form, you will need to provide your personal information, current address, and details about your lease if applicable.
  3. Your landlord must also sign a declaration part of the application, confirming the agreement for you to live at the address.
  4. Applications can be submitted online via the dedicated government website , or in person at the local government office responsible for housing.

Required Documents

  • Proof of Identity (e.g., Passport, Identity Card)
  • Proof of address or rental contract
  • Signed landlord agreement (part of the application form)

Please note that all documents should be translated into Hungarian, if they are in some other language.

Providers that can do it for you

(We are currently curating the best providers. If you are or know a provider, please contact us or edit the page directly)


Additional details

In case of non-EU citizens aiming for permanent residency in an EU country like Hungary, the process may involve additional steps such as applying for a residence permit. Such an application typically requires you to submit proof of income or financial stability, proof of health insurance, and a criminal record certificate. Be sure to check with the local authorities or legal experts to confirm specific requirements in your case.


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