Guide to Official Change of Residence Procedures and Requirements

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What is it?

Change of residence involves the process of switching your domicile officially from one location to another. This may come with several bureaucratic procedures, involving multiple institutions and potentially changes in tax regimes, financial regulations, and personal identification documents.

Who needs it?

Any individual planning to move to a new location, especially international movers or expatriates transitioning into a new country or state, would need to go through a change of residence.


  1. Upon deciding your move, first step is to update your information with your national passport office. Your current passport needs to reflect your new address. In case of Italians, visit Passport Office .
  2. In case of changing country of residence, inform your bank about the same - most have a process to update this information. For banks such as Revolut, you can change your country of residence in the user profile settings within the app. More details can be found on their site .
  3. For mobile banking users, similar procedure is needed. For instance, N26 users must inform about change of residence as it could affect their account’s features and regulations. Refer to their Help Center .
  4. If you are moving within EU and operate a Coinbase account, you must alert Coinbase about the change of country. You can request a country change by contacting their Support .
  5. If you are a seller on online reselling platform such as Vinted, you would need to update the country in the settings options in your profile to match your item location. More details on their FAQ Section .

Note: While reporting a change of country, always verify that your bank or financial institution supports banking facilities in your new country. Certain countries may have more stringent financial regulations.

Required Documents

  • Passport.
  • Proof of new residence (Rental agreement, Property papers).
  • Bank statements (If necessary).
  • Updated details for any financial investment platforms.

Providers that can do it for you

(We are currently curating the best providers. If you are or know a provider, please contact us or edit the page directly)


Additional details

Remember to update your address with all different public and private institutions, including but not limited to financial institutions, utility providers, citizenship offices etc. This would ensure a smoother transition and prevent potential bureaucratic issues. Your bank will specifically need proof of address, so keep those documents handy.


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