How to Obtain a Driver’s License in Italy: A Complete Guide

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What is it?

A driver’s license in Italy, or ‘patente di guida’, is a legal document that permits the holder to operate motor vehicles in the country. It is necessary for anyone wishing to drive in Italy.

Who needs it?

Anyone intending to drive in Italy either as a resident or a tourist is required to have a valid driving permit. If you are a tourist, an International Driver’s License may be used for a short period of time but permanent residents are required to possess an Italian driver’s license.


  1. Register with Anagrafe (registry office): An essential step to commence any official process in Italy including applying for a driver’s license. You can call the office to schedule an appointment (Link here).
  2. Get your Codice Fiscale: Provided by the Agenzia delle Entrate, this is a tax identification number used in all interactions with government agencies and public administration in Italy. To apply, you may visit their official website .
  3. Attend a mandatory driving school: Information and guidance about driving schools can often be found on local municipal websites. Here, you will complete theory classes, practical classes and eventually the exams.
  4. Pass Theory Examination: The theory exam is done on a computer and you can choose to do it either in Italian or with the aid of a translator.
  5. Pass Practical Examination: The practical exam involves a 30-minute driving test with an examiner.
  6. Pay fees: To complete the process, you will need to make certain payments for the driving school, medical certificate and the license itself. These may vary based on locality and school.

Required Documents

  1. Identity Document: To confirm your identity and address.
  2. Residence permit: As proof of your legal stay in the country (if applicable).
  3. Medical Certificate: Proves your physical and mental fitness to drive. The medical test can be done at a local ASL (Azienda Sanitaria Locale) office. You can schedule an appointment here .

Providers that can do it for you

(We are currently curating the best providers. If you are or know a provider, please contact us or edit the page directly)


Additional details

While International Driver’s licenses are recognized, they are only for temporary use and not for those who are becoming residents in Italy. After establishing residency, you have one year to convert your home country’s driving license to an Italian one. Converting a driver’s license from certain countries like USA requires a complete driving test (theory and practical). It would be a good idea to check Italy’s agreement with your home country regarding driver’s license conversion. Also, remember any unpaid traffic fines may affect your ability to convert or apply for an Italian driver’s license. Always abide by the country’s traffic rules and regulations.


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