Register for the Electoral Roll in Italy and Abroad | A.I.R.E

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What is it?

Electoral Roll Registration is the process by which eligible citizens register themselves for the electoral roll in order to vote in elections. In Italy, it’s mainly managed via the Anagrafe degli Italiani Residenti all’Estero (A.I.R.E), which is an important register for Italian citizens living abroad.

Who needs it?

It’s required by all eligible Italians who have turned 18 and other citizens who are recognized by the Italian State.


  1. If you are resident in Italy, head to your municipal office to formally request electoral roll registration.
  2. If you are an Italian citizen residing abroad, you need to register with A.I.R.E through your local consulate. This can be done online here
  3. Complete the registration form ensuring your information is accurate.
  4. Provide any required and backup documentation as requested.

Required Documents

  1. Valid ID Card or Passport
  2. Proof of Residence (like a utility bill or lease agreement)
  3. If you are an Italian citizen born abroad, further documentation may be required to prove your Italian heritage such as your parent’s birth certificates or naturalization records.

Providers that can do it for you

(We are currently curating the best providers. If you are or know a provider, please contact us or edit the page directly)


Additional details

Remember, if you reside abroad it’s not just your right but also your duty to register with A.I.R.E, as discussed here . Failure to do so could result in penalties. Always keep your information on A.I.R.E up-to-date to ensure you’re able to vote. According to your situation, you might be also able to vote for European Union elections as well as Italian ones.


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