Italian Family Allowance: Eligibility, Procedure, Required Documents

Table of Contents


What is it?

Family allowance is a state provision provided by the Italian government to eligible citizens, usually to support families with minors or families facing certain economic or social difficulties.

Who needs it?

This social benefit is for families resident in Italy with children under 18 years of age or disabled children of any age. It is often aimed at low-income families to provide financial assistance.


  1. First, it’s necessary to recognize your right or eligibility to family allowances. This usually involves validating the economic and family conditions that qualify you for the allowance.

  2. Fill out and submit the application form (modello ANF/DIP) to your employer if you’re employed or directly to the INPS (Italian National Institute of Social Security) if you’re retired or unemployed. Ensure to provide the required documents.

  3. Once submitted, INPS will assess your eligibility and confirm if you qualify for the allowance and how much you will receive. The amount usually varies according to the size and economic condition of the family.

  4. Upon confirmation, the payment will be made via the employer in case of employed individuals, directly to the beneficiary in case of pensioners, or through the Italian post office or a bank in the case of other categories of applicants.

Required Documents

The following documents may need to be provided:

  • Residence permit
  • Marriage Certificate
  • Birth certificate of every child in the family
  • Proof of family income, assets and properties

Providers that can do it for you

(We are currently curating the best providers. If you are or know a provider, please contact us or edit the page directly)


Additional details

It’s crucial to update your data regularly with INPS, especially in the event of a change in your family condition like a new birth, a death, or a divorce. Payments are stopped if the child no longer resides in Italy, or in case of the death of the holder of the right. All updates will affect the amount of the benefit.


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