Italian Identity Card: Complete Guide to Application & Requirements

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What is it?

The Italian Identity Card (Carta d’Identità) is an official document issued by the Italian government. It verifies the identification of an individual living and travelling within Italy and the EU. It might also be required in some establishments for identification purposes.

Who needs it?

This document is required for Italian residents, both citizens and non-citizens alike. It’s also needed by those planning to travel within the EU.


  1. Go to your local municipality office (Comune or Municipio), specifically to the Anagrafe (Registry Office).
  2. Depending on the municipality, it might be required to make an appointment. Check your local municipality’s website.
  3. Prepare and bring all required documents.
  4. Pay the application fee.
  5. The office will process your request and a receipt will be given to you.
  6. Once ready, you might need to pick up the card personally from the same office.

Required Documents

  1. Two passport-sized photographs.
  2. Valid proof of residence (such as a utility bill, rent contract, etc.).
  3. In case of non-Italian citizens, a valid residency permit might be required.

Please note that specifics regarding required documents may vary depending on the municipality. Therefore, it’s advisable to check local requirements.

Providers that can do it for you

(We are currently curating the best providers. If you are or know a provider, please contact us or edit the page directly)


Additional details

Remember to always keep your Carta d’Identità in a safe place. Some recommend a wallet while others suggest a document holder for preserving the card’s condition since it’s made of paper/cardboard. Also, note that establishments such as hotels or hostels in Italy may ask for your ID for registration purposes as a normal practice.


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