Income Support in Italy: Eligibility, Application, and Requirements

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What is it?

Income support or Reddito di Cittadinanza (Citizen’s Income) is a financial assistance provided by the Italian government for individuals and families who are living in poverty.

Who needs it?

It is designed primarily for Italian citizens, European Union citizens, and some non-EU citizens who hold a valid residence permit, and who have been living in Italy for at least two years.


  1. First, check your eligibility for the Citizens’ Income via the official online tool.

  2. If you qualify, you need to fill out an application form where you declare your financial situation, your family situation and your willingness to accept job offers.

  3. The form can be found and submitted in one of the CAF (Centro Assistenza Fiscale) offices.

  4. The request, accompanied by the necessary documentation, can also be submitted online through the INPS website , or in-person at INPS offices.

Required Documents

The following documents are required to apply for income support:

  • ID Document
  • Tax Code (Codice Fiscale)
  • ISEE certificate, which measures the economic situation of the individual or family

Providers that can do it for you

(We are currently curating the best providers. If you are or know a provider, please contact us or edit the page directly)


Additional details

It’s important to note that the Citizens’ Income is not given to you unconditionally. If you receive it, you have to apply for jobs via the Centri per l’impiego, and you’re required to accept at least one job offer out of every three you receive. Not complying with these rules can lead to penalties, including the revocation of the benefit. You’re also required to perform social and community services.


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