How to Request an IRPEF Tax Refund in Italy: A Step-by-Step Guide

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What is it?

IRPEF stands for “Imposta sul Reddito delle Persone Fisiche”, which is the Individual Income Tax in Italy. Sometimes an individual might have paid more tax than required and in such cases, you have the right to request a refund for the excess amount paid.

Who needs it?

This guide is useful for any individual residing in Italy who has identified an overpayment on their IRPEF tax and wishes to request a refund.


  1. Before starting the procedure, make sure that you have indeed paid more taxes than owed for a specific year. This requires a thorough check of your tax return for the year in question.

  2. Gather all tax documents for the required year including the tax return, withholding tax receipts and any relevant invoices.

  3. Submit a “Modello Redditi Persone Fisiche” form specifying the overpaid amount. This form can be completed and submitted online through the Italian Revenue Agency website

  4. Depending upon the specifics of your case, you may be required to submit additional documentation to support your claim. This can include financial statements, payment receipts, and any other documents that show the excess tax payment.

  5. Wait for the agency to review your request. The processing time may vary depending on the complexity of your case.

Required Documents

  • A copy of the tax return for the year in question
  • Any relevant pay slips, withholding tax receipts
  • Any additional documents depending upon the specifics of your case

Providers that can do it for you

(We are currently curating the best providers. If you are or know a provider, please contact us or edit the page directly)


Additional details

The request for a tax refund can be done any time within five years from the payment of the excess amount. If the Revenue Agency does not respond within 90 days, this would mean that the request has been accepted. Remember, it can take significant time to get a refund if you’re claiming large amounts. Be prepared to wait even if you have provided all the documents timely. It is highly recommended to consult with a tax professional for complex cases to ensure all documentation is accurate and your claim is justified.


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