Guide to Civil Registry Registration in Italy: Process & Documents

Table of Contents


What is it?

Registration in the Civil Registry in Italy involves establishing an official record of an individual’s vital events – such as birth, marriage, or death. This is crucial for establishing legal identity, citizenship, and accessing public services.

Who needs it?

This procedure is obligatory for all individuals who were born, married, or have died in Italy. It is also needed by Italian citizens abroad who wish to register their status and changes in their civil state.


  1. Begin by obtaining all necessary documents (refer to the “Required Documents” section).
  2. If you are abroad and need to register, contact the Italian Embassy or Consulate in your country of residence.
  3. Submit your request and the necessary documents. For births, this should be done within 10 days of the birth.
  4. The Civil Registry will process your request and update your records accordingly.
  5. You should verify that your records have been updated by making a follow-up inquiry.

Required Documents

  • Birth Registration: Birth certificate.
  • Marriage Registration: Marriage certificate.
  • Death registration: Death certificate.
  • Applicant’s identification.
  • Proof of address or residence in Italy. Note: All documents should be original, complete, and translated into Italian.

Providers that can do it for you

(We are currently curating the best providers. If you are or know a provider, please contact us or edit the page directly)


Additional details

  • AIRE registration: Italian citizens living abroad can register their status and changes in their civil state with the AIRE (Registry of Italians Resident Abroad).
  • Photocopies and scanned documents are generally not accepted. Original documents are always best.
  • Documents could be requested in “formato internazionale” or multilanguage. You can use the European e-Justice portal as a guide .


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