How to Obtain a Residence Certificate in Italy - Step-by-Step Guide

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What is it?

A residence certificate is an official document that verifies the place of your residence in Italy. This document is necessary for various purposes such as for establishing citizenship, for legal purposes, or for personal reasons.

Who needs it?

Any individual who wishes to establish their residence in Italy, including immigrants or those hoping to gain Italian citizenship.


  1. Register with the local Anagrafe (Registry Office) in your city.
  2. Fill out the necessary forms for a residence permit.
  3. Provide proof of your living situation. This typically involves a lease agreement or proof of property ownership.
  4. Provide additional documentation as required (see Required Documents section)
  5. The office will send a local police representative for verification of the information provided.
  6. On completion of the verification process, the office will issue the Residence Certificate.

Required Documents

  1. Valid identification document (passport for non-Italians)
  2. Lease agreement or proof of property ownership
  3. A declaration of immediate availability of appropriate accommodation can be used as supporting documents.

Providers that can do it for you

(We are currently curating the best providers. If you are or know a provider, please contact us or edit the page directly)


Additional details

The registration for a residence certificate may vary slightly between cities or provinces. Generally, you must register within 20 days of your arrival in Italy. Any delay might cause legal issues and penalties. Once you have registered your residence, you are entitled to all the same rights and services as an Italian citizen.


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