How to Obtain an Italian Tax Code: Step-by-Step Guide

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What is it?

The Italian Tax Code, also known as the Codice Fiscale, is a personal identification number used in all interactions with Italian government services and agencies. It is a requirement for a variety of activities such as opening a bank account, signing a lease, and even buying a SIM card.

Who needs it?

Anyone planning to reside, work, or conduct any kind of activity that involves the government or banking sector in Italy will need a Codice Fiscale. This includes short-term visitors, long-term residents, and businesses.


  1. Gather necessary documents. You will need a valid passport, proof of residency or intended residency (a lease agreement or letter from a landlord for instance), and if relevant, a work contract or letter from an employer.
  2. Download the Tax Code application form from the Italian Revenue Agency .
  3. Fill in the application form and make sure all information matches your identification documents exactly.
  4. Submit the form along with photocopies of your documents. This can be done by mail, in person, or through a representative at the nearest Italian Consulate or Embassy if you are abroad.
  5. Your Tax Code should be issued immediately if you apply in person. If you apply remotely, it will be mailed to your Italian address.

Required Documents

  • Valid Passport
  • Proof of Residency
  • Work Contract or Letter from Employer (if applicable)

Providers that can do it for you

(We are currently curating the best providers. If you are or know a provider, please contact us or edit the page directly)


Additional details

While the Codice Fiscale is immediately necessary for most activities, there have been instances where users have been able to secure services like phone contracts without one. However, having an Italian Tax Code will make any administrative dealings in Italy significantly smoother.


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