IMSS Registration and Contributions Service in Mexico

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What is it?

The IMSS (Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Social) is Mexico’s public social security institution that provides healthcare, pensions, and social benefits to enrolled individuals. This service assists individuals in registering for IMSS and making contributions if they are self-employed, ensuring access to comprehensive healthcare services and social security benefits.

Who needs it?

This service is ideal for self-employed individuals, freelancers, small business owners, and digital nomads residing in Mexico. It is also beneficial for those transitioning between jobs who wish to maintain their healthcare coverage, as well as foreigners who have relocated to Mexico and require access to the national healthcare system.


  1. Visit the IMSS website and create an account using your CURP (Unique Population Registry Code) and a valid email address.
  2. Once registered, log into your account and navigate to the ‘Alta Patronal y Modificaciones en el Seguro’ section.
  3. Complete the online form with your personal and contact information.
  4. Select the option to ‘Realizar pago’ and choose your preferred payment method for your contributions.
  5. Submit the application and wait for confirmation via email.
  6. After receiving the confirmation, you can access your profile and download your digital IMSS membership card.

Required documents

  • CURP (Unique Population Registry Code) - Obtainable from the CURP website or local civil registry office.
  • Valid government-issued ID (INE, passport) - Issued by the National Electoral Institute or passport office.
  • Proof of address (utility bill, bank statement) - Current within the last three months.
  • Recent photograph - Passport size for your IMSS profile.

Providers that can do it for you

(We are currently curating the best providers. If you are or know a provider, please contact us or edit the page directly)


Additional details

  • Once registered, you can view and manage your contributions through the IMSS portal.
  • Foreigners can also participate in IMSS by providing equivalent official identification documents.
  • Employers in Mexico are mandated to register their employees with IMSS; however, self-employed individuals must enroll themselves.


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