Mexican Passport Renewal Service - Steps and Requirements

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What is it?

The service involves the renewal of a Mexican passport within Mexico, essential for Mexican citizens who need an updated travel document. The process ensures that your passport remains valid and complies with international travel regulations.

Who needs it?

Mexican citizens residing in Mexico who need to renew their passports for international travel, personal identification, or legal documentation purposes. It’s particularly crucial for those whose passports are expired or nearing expiration.


  1. Visit the official SAT or INM website for detailed information on the renewal process.
  2. Schedule an appointment online at the nearest Mexican consulate or passport office.
  3. Gather all required documents such as your current passport, proof of address, and recent photographs.
  4. Attend your scheduled appointment, submit your documents, and pay the corresponding fees.
  5. Wait for the processing period, which typically ranges from a few days to several weeks.
  6. Collect your renewed passport from the issuing office or have it mailed to your address.

Required documents

  • Current Passport: No details provided
  • Proof of Address: No details provided
  • Recent Photographs: No details provided
  • Proof of Payment: No details provided

Providers that can do it for you

(We are currently curating the best providers. If you are or know a provider, please contact us or edit the page directly)


Additional details

  • You can fly domestically within Mexico using only a valid Mexican passport.
  • Traveling internationally to Mexico requires a Mexican passport and potentially a visa, depending on your destination.


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