Guide to Proof of Residency in Mexico - Steps & Documents

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What is it?

The Proof of Residency in Mexico is a document required to establish and verify your living status within Mexico. This service helps individuals obtain an official certificate by guiding them through the necessary steps and documentation, ensuring compliance with local regulations. It is essential for various legal, financial, and administrative purposes.

Who needs it?

This service is ideal for expats who have recently moved to Mexico, students enrolled in Mexican institutions, new residents, and individuals seeking to comply with local requirements for banking, employment, or government services. If you’re establishing a new life in Mexico, having a verified Proof of Residency can streamline many processes.


  1. Determine whether you qualify for the Proof of Residency in Mexico.
  2. Gather all essential documents such as identification, lease agreements, utility bills, or bank statements as proof of address.
  3. Complete any required forms from local government offices.
  4. Submit your documentation and forms to the appropriate authorities.
  5. Wait for processing and verification from the authorities.
  6. Receive your Proof of Residency certificate and use it for your required purposes.

Required documents

  • Valid Passport: Obtain a passport if you don’t have one from your local consulate.
  • Lease Agreement: Ensure it’s signed and covers recent months.
  • Utility Bills: Collect recent electricity, water, or gas bills.
  • Bank Statements: Obtain recent statements showing your name and address.

Providers that can do it for you

(We are currently curating the best providers. If you are or know a provider, please contact us or edit the page directly)


Additional details

  • Some local offices may require extra forms, check their specific requirements.
  • Processing times can vary, so plan your application accordingly.
  • Always ensure your documents are up-to-date and accurately reflect your address.


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