Get Your Mexican Voter ID - Steps and Requirements

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What is it?

The Mexican Voter ID, known as ‘INE’ is an official identification card issued by the National Electoral Institute. It serves as both a voter credential for participation in elections and a primary identification document used in daily transactions such as purchasing alcohol or tobacco.

Who needs it?

Any Mexican citizen aged 18 and over who wants to participate in federal, state, or local elections should obtain a Voter ID. Additionally, anyone needing a reliable form of identification for various everyday activities, such as opening a bank account, also benefits from having this card.


  1. Schedule an appointment on the National Electoral Institute (INE) website.
  2. Gather the necessary documents (see ‘required_documents’ below).
  3. Visit the INE office at the scheduled time with all required documents.
  4. Fill out the application form provided at the office.
  5. Get your photo taken and fingerprints scanned.
  6. Wait for the processing time (usually around two weeks) and collect your Voter ID.

Required documents

  • Valid birth certificate: Obtainable from the civil registry.
  • Proof of address: A utility bill, bank statement, or lease agreement.
  • Valid photo ID: Passport, driver’s license, or current school ID (for those who just turned 18).

Providers that can do it for you

(We are currently curating the best providers. If you are or know a provider, please contact us or edit the page directly)


Additional details

  • The INE card not only allows you to vote but is also widely recognized for many other identification purposes in Mexico.
  • Make sure all provided documents are original; photocopies are not accepted.
  • Appointment slots may fill up quickly, particularly around election periods, so plan accordingly.


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