Effortless Vehicle Registration in Paraguay Services

Table of Contents


What is it?

Vehicle registration in Paraguay is a legal process through which the ownership and specifications of a motor vehicle are recorded with local authorities. Completing this process ensures that the vehicle is recognized by the government and can legally be driven on public roads.

Who needs it?

This service is essential for anyone who has recently purchased a car or motorcycle in Paraguay, including both locals and expatriates. It is also vital for those planning long-term travel or overlanding in South America with a vehicle registered in Paraguay.


  1. Gather the necessary documents including identification, vehicle purchase proof, and clearance papers.
  2. Visit the local municipal office to get the vehicle inspected.
  3. Complete the vehicle registration form provided at the municipal office.
  4. Submit the form along with required documents and pay the registration fee.
  5. Wait for the registration certificate and vehicle plates to be issued.

Required documents

  • Personal identification (Cedula de Identidad or Passport): Obtain this from Paraguayan civil registry or relevant authorities.
  • Proof of vehicle purchase (Invoice or sales contract): Provided by the seller.
  • Vehicle inspection certificate: Get this from designated inspection stations.
  • Proof of residence (Utility bill or rental agreement): Available from local utility providers or landlords.
  • Tax clearance certificate: Obtain from the local taxation office.

Providers that can do it for you

(We are currently curating the best providers. If you are or know a provider, please contact us or edit the page directly)


Additional details

  • It’s advisable to have vehicle insurance that meets local requirements.
  • Motorcycle riders must ensure their vehicles meet additional safety regulations.
  • Foreigners can use an international driver’s permit while processing the registration.


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