How to Obtain a Circulation Permit in Peru: Guide for Drivers

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What is it?

A Circulation Permit in Peru is a legal document required for operating a vehicle on public roads. It ensures that the vehicle meets local regulations and has passed necessary safety and emissions tests. This permit is crucial for both locals and foreigners planning to drive in Peru.

Who needs it?

Ideal customers for this service are expatriates, travelers, and locals seeking to drive legally in Peru. Tourists who plan to buy or rent a vehicle during their stay, and business professionals who need a company car for their operations are also key candidates. Essentially, anyone planning to drive in Peru for an extended period should secure a Circulation Permit.


  1. Gather necessary documents, including ID, proof of vehicle ownership, and vehicle inspection certificate.
  2. Visit the local municipal office or relevant authority to submit the application.
  3. Pay the required fees for the permit processing.
  4. Await the processing period, usually a few business days.
  5. Receive your Circulation Permit and ensure it is always kept in the vehicle.

Required documents

  • ID (e.g., Passport or DNI) - Obtain from your home country’s relevant authority.
  • Proof of Vehicle Ownership - Provided by the seller or dealer of the vehicle.
  • Vehicle Inspection Certificate - Issued after a vehicle inspection at an authorized center.
  • Payment Receipt - Available upon payment of the required fees at the municipal office.

Providers that can do it for you

(We are currently curating the best providers. If you are or know a provider, please contact us or edit the page directly)


Additional details

  • Ensure all documents are up-to-date and accurately filled.
  • Consult local authorities if there are any doubts regarding the procedure.
  • Keep a copy of all submitted documents for your records.


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