How to Obtain a Death Certificate in Peru: A Step-by-Step Guide

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What is it?

This service helps you obtain a death certificate for a deceased individual in Peru. A death certificate is an official document issued by the government that certifies the date, location, and cause of a person’s death. It is often required for legal, administrative, and personal purposes, such as settling the deceased’s estate, claiming life insurance, or for genealogical records.

Who needs it?

This service is ideal for individuals and families who need to obtain a death certificate for a deceased loved one in Peru. This includes expats, legal representatives, next of kin, or anyone involved in estate settlement, insurance claims, or genealogical research. If you are living abroad or find the process challenging due to language barriers or bureaucratic hurdles, this service will be especially beneficial.


  1. Visit the Civil Registry Office: You will need to go to the local Civil Registry office where the death was registered.
  2. Submit an Application Form: Fill out the required application form with accurate details about the deceased.
  3. Attach Required Documents: Ensure that all required documents are attached to your application.
  4. Pay the Applicable Fees: Proceed to pay the necessary fees as instructed by the Civil Registry office.
  5. Processing Time: Wait for the processing period, which typically ranges from several days to a few weeks depending on the office.
  6. Collect the Certificate: Once the certificate is ready, you will be notified to collect it, or it may be sent to your address if such service is available.

Required documents

  • Applicant’s Identification: A valid ID or passport of the person requesting the certificate is necessary.
  • Death Report: The original or a certified copy of the medical report certifying the cause of death.
  • Birth Certificate: A copy of the deceased’s birth certificate might be needed to verify identity.
  • Marriage Certificate: If applicable, a marriage certificate of the deceased may be required.
  • Proof of Relationship: Documents proving the relationship of the applicant to the deceased, such as birth certificates or legal documents.

Providers that can do it for you

(We are currently curating the best providers. If you are or know a provider, please contact us or edit the page directly)


Additional details

  • Ensure all documents are in Spanish or have official translations.
  • The process may differ slightly depending on the region in Peru.
  • For international requests, contact the nearest Peruvian Consulate.
  • Fees may vary; always check with the local Civil Registry office for the most current information.


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