Efficient Student Registration in Peruvian Educational Institutions

Table of Contents


What is it?

The Educational System Registration service in Peru helps students and parents officially enroll in educational institutions, from primary schools to universities. The service guides users through the complex application processes, ensuring all necessary documents are prepared and submitted correctly.

Who needs it?

The ideal customer for this service includes parents or guardians of school-aged children who are enrolling in an educational institution in Peru for the first time, students transitioning between educational levels (such as from primary to secondary school), and international students seeking admission to Peruvian universities.


  1. Visit the official website of the Ministry of Education of Peru.
  2. Choose the appropriate educational institution and level (e.g., primary, secondary, university).
  3. Fill out the online registration form with accurate personal and academic details.
  4. Upload the required documents, including identification and previous academic records.
  5. Submit the application and wait for a confirmation email with further instructions.
  6. Follow any additional steps or attend appointments as requested by the educational institution.

Required documents

  • National Identification Document (DNI) or passport: Obtain from local government offices or embassies.
  • Proof of residence: Available from local municipal offices or utility bills.
  • Previous academic records and transcripts: Request from prior educational institutions.
  • Medical certificate: Obtain from a licensed medical practitioner.

Providers that can do it for you

(We are currently curating the best providers. If you are or know a provider, please contact us or edit the page directly)


Additional details

  • Ensure all documents are translated into Spanish by a certified translator if they are in another language.
  • Double-check application deadlines, as they may vary by institution.
  • Some institutions may require entrance examinations or interviews as part of the registration process.


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